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windows-phone-8 – 使用WNS for windows phone 8

WNS是否适用于 Windows Phone 8设备.如果是,我在哪里可以找到一些好的文档来使用它. 我即将使用MPNS,但here表示微软正在从Windows Phone 8.1中使用日落版MPNS.但是当我查找文档时,看起来它还没有用于Windows手机应用程序. 请帮忙. official MPNS documentatio

Windows Phone 8设备.如果是,我在哪里可以找到一些好的文档来使用它.

我即将使用MPNS,但here表示微软正在从Windows Phone 8.1中使用日落版MPNS.但是当我查找文档时,看起来它还没有用于Windows手机应用程序.


official MPNS documentation(本月更新)仍然表明MPNS适用于Windows Phone 8.1.

Push notifications for Windows Phone 8

May 10,2014

Applies to: Windows Phone 8 and Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 |
Windows Phone OS 7.1

The Microsoft Push Notification Service in Windows Phone is an
asynchronous,best-effort service that offers third-party developers a
channel to send data to a Windows Phone app from a cloud service in a
power-efficient manner.

但是,this MSDN page与之前的报价在同一天更新,表示您可以为Windows Phone 8.1应用程序选择MPNS或WNS.

Choosing MPNS or WNS for a Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 app

May 10,2014

When building a Windows Phone Silverlight 8.1 app,you have a choice
to make about what push notification service your app will use. A push
notification service is an asynchronous service that provides a
channel you can use to send data from a cloud service to your app in a
power-efficient manner. In Windows Phone 8,the Microsoft Push
Notification Service (MPNS) was the push notification platform you
could use. In Windows Phone 8.1,the Windows Notification Service
(WNS) is now supported. This is the same service used by all Windows
Store apps. You can use either platform in a Silverlight 8.1 app. This
topic gives you the information you need to make an informed decision
about which notification service platform to use in your Silverlight
8.1 app.

因此,如果您要为Windows Phone 8.1创建新的Windows Phone应用程序,建议您使用WNS,它具有更多功能:

The following lists some of the benefits of using WNS and the Windows
Runtime APIs for tiles,toast and badges in your Silverlight 8.1 app.

  • Notifications are delivered within 5 seconds to devices connected to a network

  • No more certifications to manage. WNS uses OAuth instead of SSL certification.

  • The same service and APIs can be used for all Windows Phone Store apps,offering the potential for code sharing/reuse and lower
    maintenance costs.

  • Periodic polling – Update tiles and badges by periodically polling for content updates from a cloud service.

  • Tile notification queue – The ability of a tile to display a rotation of up to 5 updates.

  • Larger tile template catalog – Over 40 templates to choose a tile layout suited to your needs.

  • Raw notifications – The ability to wake up your app or start a background task by sending it a raw notification.

  • Expiration time on a tile update – By setting an expiration time,the tile will revert to its default.

  • Manage your toast notifications in action center – You can use the new APIs to send notifications directly into action center,categorize notifications and selectively remove and replace notifications in action center.

本文来自网络,不代表云浮站长网立场。转载请注明出处: https://www.0766zz.com/html/zhonghe/fwq/windows/20200901/9147.html

作者: dawei


